
Careers Programme

Careers Leader: Rachel Adams,

As part of their education at DHS, we encourage students to reflect upon who they are, and who they would like to become. In order to complete this journey, we provide a broad range of activities, which support this exploration and the development of skills.


All students at DHS will:

  • Have an aspiration which they share with staff through the Aspirations Questionnaire
  • Develop their understanding of their skills, interests and personality from Year 7 -13, and make links between these and future pathways
  • Be provided with information about the range of opportunities open to them
  • Have the opportunity to meet with external employers
  • Take part in work related activities
  • Understand expectations of employers and learn how to apply for jobs
  • Learn how to make informed decisions about their future
  • Be fully supported and guided through key transition periods
  • Learn how to improve their own employability skills
  • Drop down days and tutor time programme in years 10 and 11 covers life after school and students write personal statements and compile qualification and experience port folios.
  • Visits to UCAS fairs and visits about apprenticeship providers.
  • Further information about the school’s careers programme can be accessed by making contact with Mrs Rachel Adams,

The impact and success of the careers programme can be seen in the school’s destination data and is also actively monitored through student surveys. The provision is assessed and updated annually in September. The next steps are to bring about changes which meet the Government approved Gatsby benchmarks by 2020. Further information about this can be found here.

Diss High School's Career Policy can be found in the policies section of our website (About us, Policies).